
The Ecological Traitdata Standard (ETS) is a collection of terms for datasets on quantitative and qualitative organism properties (i.e. traits) that describe its performance or function in an ecosystem. It also includes recommendations on how to structure such data for upload in public databases. The ETS provides a low-threshold standard, suitable for storing own trait data locally, or for publishing them on a scientific database or filehosting service.


Creative Commons License
Ecological Traitdata Standard by Florian D. Schneider, Nadja K. Simons, Caterina Penone, Andreas Ostrowski is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. That means, you are free to use and re-use, modify and publish all texts and documents on this website, as long as you give attribution to its original source.

Suggested Citation

To refer to this version of the ETS please cite:

Schneider et al. (2018) Ecological Traitdata Standard, v0.7, URL: https://ecologicaltraitdata.github.io/ETS/v0.7/ , DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1227184


The Ecological Traitdata Standard is under continuous open source development, hosted on Github. Please refer to the Github Issues page for discussion and revision of individual terms, and settle the issue here before filing a pull-request that implements an update.